Year 6 Scholarship / SEALP Test Preparation & Trial Tests
Year 6 is a crucial milestone for many Australian students. Earning a scholarship or a highly-coveted place in the SEALP program sets students in good stead for academic success and greatly increases their chances of enrolling in a top regional school.
Our Scholarship/SEALP Course is highly focused, amassing a wide range of ACER and EduTest type papers. We cover a wide range of subjects ranging from the Humanities to Mathematics.
Most importantly, our Year 6 test preparation incorporates the skill-based structure that Edu-Kingdom has used in our Year 8 courses to such great effect. Our Year 6 specialists have identified six key skills – reading comprehension, mathematics, verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, creative written expression and persuasive written expression – that will give each student a solid foundation, enabling them to adapt to an increasingly diverse and often unpredictable selection of potential test questions. Reading comprehension practice, for instance, exposes students to a variety of texts ranging from news reports to historical fiction and vastly improves our students’ ability to identify and paraphrase key points while thinking critically about the assigned passage.
Our test courses draw on a specially curated database of challenging past-year questions, similar test papers and diagnostic assessments. Each student benefits from a computerised marking system which allows for sophisticated data analysis, ensuring our tutors can help each student identify weak areas for reinforcement before the big test day comes.