Reasoning is the action of thinking about something in a logical, sensible way. Our primary level Reasoning tutoring techniques use a variety of colourful and engaging hypothetical problems drawn from children’s spheres of everyday experiences.
Verbal Reasoning
Verbal Reasoning assesses ability to reasonably answer a question expressed through words. The student reads given information or a problem, processes the information, forms a theory, and evaluates the outcome of the problem. When given a verbal reasoning assessment, the questions will dig deeper into the meaning of a story, going beyond the gist. The tutor wants to know the details the student was able to pull from the story line.

Numerical Reasoning
Numerical reasoning ability is one of the most basic skill areas, one that exists in small children well before they are taught mathematics in school. Numerical reasoning tests, also known as data interpretation or numerical critical reasoning tests. It is specifically designed to measure a student’s numerical aptitude and their ability to interpret, analyse and draw conclusions from sets of data. Unlikely maths tests, numerical reasoning tests reflect how successfully a student can apply numerical understanding in a realistic context.
Reasoning tests are often used as entrance examinations by private schools and selective schools to select the most able students. So, our proven methods to teach Abstract, Numeracy and Literacy concepts/models hone Reasoning skills in our students when they are preparing various tests or examinations.